Good for you! If you are in a hurry this site is an excellent place to start. I've just come across it myself and am having a great time perusing and there are plenty of other general knowledge sites on the web if you have the time to search. Reading books, however, will increase your knowledge over the long term. My father had a limited education pre WW2 and worked as a lorry driver for most of his life but at the end of it he was extremely erudite and knew a little about pretty much everything, which I put down to him reading books everyday of his life.
I tend to disagree with the previous postings sentiments and find them peculiarly derogatory and cynical; for whatever reasons you want to learn it's your business. (By the way, we all make typographical errors now and again; especially as spell check isn't easily accessible from the site.) Having a fascination and the need for knowledge (whether trivia or not) will stand you in good stead in your life but as I am now increasingly finding out, getting older helps enormously as it brings along something more invaluable which, no matter how much you try, can't be rushed ' wisdom.
Good Luck!