The price of poodle is eternal vigilance ! You have to keep an eye on the coat, all the time. As soon as you see a knot forming you can gently tease it out, pulling at the sides of it , sideways with both hands, being careful not to tug the skin (hence the sideways action). The dog generally enjoys the attention , once it's adjusted to this. That will get rid of knots as they form but, with practice, you can tease out quite big knots.( If the knot is stubborn though, give up promptly) Then you have to raise the knot from the skin slightly, and slip scissors under to cut the 'threads' which attach it. You should have enough room to do this without touching the skin.
A visit to a groomer is worthwhile for any novice. They can show you, for future reference.Most owners settle for a lamb clip ("puppy clip") where the coat is evenly cut quite short all over and can be kept in order by simple scissoring (and constant full brushing!Proper brushing with a proper brush ought to avoid these problems, most, if not all, of the time )