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Just watching the news ....

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pericat | 08:08 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
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Shocking story of the girl in Coventry dying yesterday after getting the cervical cancer jab. Very very frightening.


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I hardly think so as I was just surmising !
08:53 Tue 29th Sep 2009
1.4 million people have had this injection

If you watch a group that large you'll see strange oddities. It's easilly possible that she had an undiagnosed heart defect or something else unrelated to this.

Should wait and see.

My daughter had this this year and I wouldn't hestitate for a split second doing the same again. I don't know what the odds of cerviacle cancer are but I'm willing to bet they're not 1.4 million to one
I've just authorised my daughter to have hers soon. it's a bit scary, but it looks like this case was anaphylactic (sp) shock. I guess we can all have an allergy to something we've not tried before. it's scary, but my daughter will still have her jabs, unless there's a big declaration before then!
as jake says alot of these jabs have been carried out without this happening, so it would appear to be rare. yes shocking, but lets not over sensationalise.

from the experiences of the other girls in the school, it could be possible that they had a bad batch of the drug. an investigation is under way, but until then no point in speculating on the mass media outrage and national campaigns (no doubt lead by the Daily Mail) that may ensue.

lets hope this is an isolated tragedy.
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have been watching a docon the news saying that batch is being tested but it's prob nothing to do with it - which I agree with but it doesn't take away from us being afraid for our children
well of course not, but then we could be afraid when they walk to school. anything could happen. but we have to be realistic.
My 15 year old daughter had her last week, bit of a numb and aching arm for a couple of days after the jab but apart from that everything else was ok.
Walking down the road is a risk - 10 people die every day on our roads.

It's important to keep a sense of perspective as Ankou says certain journalists (We all know who - and it's not just the Mule) will be rubbing their hands with glee at this story.

If they put people off of having this injection I really hope they will be attending the fulnerals of any who die from cerviacal cancer subsequently.

Lets hope they're responsible - peoples lives are at stake here.
Sara,you can't have a true allergic reaction to a substance that you have never been in contact with before. If this poor girl had an allergic reaction then she must have been in contact with one of the chemicals in the substance injected at some previous time in her life. The reactions of the other girls could have been mass hysteria after what happened to their friend,or it could be a contaminated batch of vaccine as suggested by the media.
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I presume the anti MMR people will also be up in arms about this
why ? the drugs are unrelated.
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I know they are unrelated but the general theory of not needing to put anything like this in your body being the same .
healthcare generally then.

gosh, thats quite a wide story/campaign generated from this one incident isnit.
daffy, that was very technical, thank you! I didn't know there had to have been previous contact for such a reaction.
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I hardly think so as I was just surmising !
You can have a severe anaphylactic reaction without having previously been introduced to the antigen..e.g bee sting.

Let is wait until we get the results of the post mortem.
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how's kitty sqad
peri....she caused a bit of commotion this morning at feeding time, the other two refused to eat with her, so a bit of "coaxing" by sqad sorted it out. The other two are out and she is in MY chair asleep in the study.
just think how many lives are being saved though
'after' isn't necessarily 'because of'. There may be no connection; or there may be a connection that isn't direct (eg other unknown factors playing a part). Probably best to wait for the results fo the investigation.
Not according to my daughter's allergist you can't Sqad. Did he lie to me then?

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