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grrrr male cat spraying in my house

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middkazsam | 17:07 Wed 30th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
over the last two week a ginger tomcat has been coming round our house ( i have 2 female cats)
i call him ginger ninja as he appears from nowhere
last night he came in for some milk along with my 2 females and i caught him spray up the wall
so i cleaned it and i just caught him today he sprayed on some clean washing of mine
why is he doing this??


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he is simply marking his ''territory''.....if i were you id be prepared to have some little ginger ninjas around the
I'd be interested in this too. My OH has problems with next door's cat who invades the house in the middle of the night and beats his cats up. I've caught it a couple of times and chased it out. Am going to invest in a water pistol for the kitchen to see if that helps. Although in fairness the ginger bruiser from next door does not actually spray, he is just a fat bully.

Middkazsam - wipe the surfaces it has sprayed with lemon scented stuff. That sometimes helps.
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lol stokemaveric i think both of my female cats have been done although im not 100% as we took them in as strays from a guy up the road who passed away leaving 5 cats we took on 3 of them sadley mr fluffcat was run over earlier this year so i have minstrel and smokey left 2 girls
how do i tell if they have been done?

Barmaid mr ginger ninja always ights with my cat minstrel in the middle of the night well at least i think they are fighting lol could be screams of pleasure
but when hes around her in the day time hes fine the stiff each other and thats it no fighting or sexy times
and hes fine with my other cat smokey they eat together etc with no problems

he a beautiful cat looks like the iams cat i just dont want him spraying eau da piss eveywhere
i cleaned the wall he did it on last night with lemon mr muscle and i jsut put the washing back into machine
hes not coming in again now
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lol ahmskunnirt but ive had minstrel and smokey over 2 years now and they have never had kittens before
so i think they have been done
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grrrr male cat spraying in my house

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