TV0 min ago
Poorly cat
My cat was sick this morning and in it had something that looked like string. Could it have been a worm? I must admit he has a tendency of eating anything including sellotape and actually threw up and entire reciept once (it didn't even have a tear in it) so it's possible it could have been string. He's not due to be wormed for another few weeks.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.He was fine when I left him Ed, you made me feel bad like he's properly ill or something but he's always eating random things like spiders and stuff.
Everyone else - I don't neglect my cat - he's well looked after and I thought I'd just ask before I waste a vets time. I'm sure most cat owners have experienced something like this at one time or another without harming their cat!
Natalie_1982 don't be offended ny the warning - it's just common sense that u shouldn't rely on answers u receive. The Ed wasn't suggesting that u don't look after ur cat. Besides, it seems like it's an aoutomated response that would be posted on any question with particular words in them.
My cat was sick recently and it had a couple of worms in, even though she wasn't due to be wormed. I think it's like with all medicine, there's always a percentage of risk that you could still get whatever the med is supposed to prevent.
The worms were white, very thin and about an inch long. It took me a while of close observation until I knew for sure they were worms. If u do this u can see slight movement. Anyway, if this sounds like what u saw then ask ur vet if u should worm him now or wait til the time ur supposed to.
woofgang is right as well of course. Even if it was string, there are dangers. U say ur cat keeps swallowing string, sellotape etc - so make sure there's nothing like this ever lying around on the floor/tables/worktops/chairs/beds etc. I know you can't prevent every bit of thread or whatever from being around but just be vigilant.
Thanks Steph, it's definately not what you described as there was only one and it looked exactly like string (about 3mm in width). I wouldn't know how long, but longer than a finger. It wasn't moving, I think it was string.
I understand to be careful and he only had the sellotape as I was wrapping presents and he kept pinching it from me and running away. I think he just likes exploring too much and doesn't know that you can't put everything in your mouth!
I always keep cottom and sharp objects put away, this was string and I don't tie sharp objects to string. There's a 3 year old in the house too so I have to be extra careful!
I just felt immediately bad for having left him at home! As he does silly things so often (falls in bath with me in it, shuts himself in wardrobe and spare room, etc) I thought he'd be ok but thought I'd check to see if it could have been a worm.
I guess we both know what it's like to have daft pets!
I'm in UK, but I don't see how that's relevent.
He stays in a lot of the time anyway and only goes out for a few hours a night so very rarely catches fleas or anything like that, and has never been ill before. My boyfriends home now anyway and says that he is fine.
Sometimes I think pets are worse than kids! (not that I have any kids!)
God that's awful! My cat was always attacking ball-balls on the xams tree when she was younger. She doesn't bother much anymore - she's getting on, bless her.
Oh and I wasn't implying that u were a bad pet owner Natalie. A bad one wouldn't have asked a question about their pet's health because they wouldn't care. U obvoiusly care a lot - so good on u for asking.