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Talking of Foxes & Wildlife....

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smudge | 16:49 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | Animals & Nature
23 Answers
Some pic's for you: Super-Photos1.pps


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Oh dear, what happened to my link?....
Tha's bu88ered it up lass ;-)
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lol BOO - the blinking electric meter tripped & I've been dashing about trying to resolve it, but Mr S is home now, so he's just sorted it! ;o}

Anyhow, let's try again:

You'll probably think it boring after all that. ;o}
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P.S. Speakers on...
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I just kew it would lose momentum! ;o}
Couldn't opem em smudge :-(

Have you tried saving them to photobucket then posting them on here from that?
lovely photos, smudge (except that rather scary owl).

B00, you need to get rid of that old hand-cranked computer with the man with the red flag walking in front.
whats with the random domestic cat pics then eh ? that aint wildlife !!

i like the african wolves. i want one.
How are you guys opening them?

I clickety clicked the link, and it automatically starts the download to file (I thought "eh?" but carried on anyway) and it saved to desktop- then when tried to open from there it told me it couldn't find the file....?
uh, dunno, B00, it just started playing on my screen (powerPoint-type slideshow); it hasn't saved onto my computer.
Just opening them in PowerPoint..
If you have Microsoft Office Powerpoint you should be ok, Just right click on the link and click "save link as.." then save to your computer,

Right click the file and click "open with" and locate powerpoint. The icon should already be that of the PowerPoint logo though,,,
Not got powerpoint- but will in oooo 2 minutes time- apparently!
Hey, thanks for posting that, smudge. Beautiful photos, they've made me go all mushy (mind you, it doesn't take much). xxx
Ahhh HAH!!!

I've cracked it!

lovely piccies Smudge, my fave was the 2 baby squirells :-)
I don't have PP, so they must have opened in something else, not sure what.
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Just washed up after yummy dinner.....I honestly didn't think I'd receive any answers after my link c*ck-up, so glad you all liked the pic's as much as I did. Yes they do tend to make you go a bit mushy Mrs. Chappie, as does the music! I love Over the Rainbow.

I was a bit surprised to see domesticated cats too Ankou, I think they just put them on there to make you go "Aaahhhh".

Glad you cracked it in the end BOO - thanks to jno & diz for helping you out.

Enjoy the evening & keep warm. -xx-
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P.S. Yes, the owl did look a bit scary jno - I'm glad my collection of them aren't so grumpy looking! ;o}
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Yeah, the quirrels did look cute BOO - my fav was the Fox cubs, with their mummy (or daddy), so sweet. -x-
Two baby squirrels were brought into the hedgehog hospital. They were tiny and needed to be fed every two hours using a baby doll's bottle. It was lovely to see them clutching their tiny bottles.

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