Can anyone suggest any more help for getting rid of mice. We have had 3 caught 2day in the 'old fashioned styled' traps the wooden snap type. 2 were big buggars and the other a baby, another just ran up my kitchen curtains all activity in the kitchen. We have a neighbour 2 doors away and the house is rotten inside and out bin not been out for 2 months, do you think this could be source of problem? I wont even cook in kitchen!!
Get or borrow a cat.
This is the only thing that helped us. (As well as being scrupulous about food, crumbs etc).
Sadly, though, if your neighbours do not deal with the mouse problem too , the mice will continue to be troublesome.
If you find any mouseholes in the skirting or if they come up the pipes, put some aluminium foil in the gaps or brillo pads. I once lived in a back to back terrace house and the whole street seemed to have them it was a nightmare, I'm terrified of them we got a cat.
thanks folks, if i was to borrow cat, what are the chances of it wanting to stay and not go home as ,sorry to cat lovers. im not a big cat lover, but suppose would prefer a cat over a mouse anyday. Cant believe something so small can cause so much trouble, im banging doors, shouting and checking washing machine and microwave....think im going mad!!
B x
If you borrowed a cat , it would almost certainly try to gohome, so you would have to take great pains to keep it inside...not easy if you are not used to cats.
Maybe the Jack Russell option would be better for you.
you dont have to keep the cat, just borrow one for a week and see what happens, then re-borrow every now and then.good luck anyway, dont suppose you could go and innocently ask the neighbour concerned if they have a problem too as you are thinking of calling in pest control might spur them into clearing up a bit.
There are small electonic gadgets that emit a high sounding pitch humans cant hear, you will find them on the net, thay are quite cheap, that might do the job for you.
Your local council will probably deal with the problem if they are inside your house. Try ringing Enviromental Health, nasty little blighters, mice, not enviromental health.
Oh craft - he's gorgeous! I'll rent you my cat brenda - for a small fee (just feed him Sheba or Gourmet Perle! He's a good mouser - sleeps all day & will hunt all night - very low maintenance! Once brought a rat (dead) in the catflap as a prezzie . God knows how he got in through the flap - it was huge!
Hubby contacted local council and said £60 for them to put down bait, or we can do it ourselves if they tell us what bait to buy in homebase so...going to do it ourselves. Environmental health coming out at 11am to have a check of our house and the neighbour in question...(told the 2 daughters aged 17 and 21, great way for them to tidy up their rooms!) Hopefully E H can help us, we also bought 6 more traps today and a jar of peanut butter, so heres hoping...
Just caught number 7!! Env Health called out, they will try to get neighbour to tidy gardens, just gave us usual advise on mice. We bought another 6 old style traps, one humane one and the noise plug in device...what more can we do. Had to eat out 2nite because Im so uneasy about the little buggars!