in fifteen minuets. The sun is shining, the birds are twirping, the grass is greening, and the trees are exploding buds all over. So I will hop, skip, and jump across the farrow field and grab a gobfull of beer. Join me if you carest to................Cheers, you Blimey Limeys:)
aha, caught you before you gone.
I a bit busy meself but if you could grab a few bottles for me on the way out, I'll have a nice evening sitting on the porch.
cheers !
Stewey I don't know where you are but birds don't twirp here, but it's 8.45pm here and I could murder a lager and a packet of scratchings, get them in I'll be over in the next 24 hours or so.
Well there's nothing I can do, Bobbi, but sit and wait. I know my nan will be worried sick - which is more worrying for me than anything, because she's been so poorly lately. :-(