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daftgrandad | 14:05 Thu 23rd Sep 2010 | Animals & Nature
18 Answers
Saw the most fascinating sight this morning,when looking out of the bedroom window.
In the field opposite were no less than 19 hen birds and 1 cock bird (lucky sod).
We do not live anywhere near a breeding area,so it was a lovely sight.


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I love the sound they make, wonder if I can type it - urrrrk-uk ! (no)
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Not quite ap,but close !
they are mad round us, the cock birds attack moving cars. Odd times I see a red and white one (Chinese?) they have escaped from the local estates.
Lovely DG. I don't need to tell you how many we have last year.

We disturbed a huge amount of them in the field margin yesterday whilst out walking - why do they leave it until the last minute and wait until you are virtually walking on them before they all fly out making such a noise. It happened yesterday and it always makes me jump and my heart races. Dog thought it was wonderful.

Raining here today! xx
because they are idiots Lottie. Our dogs have all been HPR's but not very good at it..they do try bless them. Our last girl was once knocked off her feet when a pheasant took off from under her tum!
We had a cock pheasant that used to strut his stuff on our lawn, every time he did his wing flapping/crowing he nearly fell over backwards. Sadly he came off worst in a fight and died.
They truly are daft birds Woofie. They make me laugh when they sit on the bird table looking so stupid. Beautiiful colouring though.

I just love this. It is so true
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Hi Lottie,trust you,re very well.
I can imagine the sights of pheasants near you.How are the sheep doing at the moment ?
Kind regards dg xx
DG. I haven't heard them lately at all. In fact I haven't seen them either when I have been out walking. Oh dear, I wonder if they have gone to market :o(
Are there any large estates near you? as gamekeepers on such estates raise game bird as they would hens, then release them into the wild for shooting, in my opinion a poor "sport" as the poor things have no fear of man in fact just the opposite
Paddywak. I agree with you. I live on an estate where the pheasants are raised for game (I don't agree with it at all). Just half a mile away the land is owned by another farmer. The only pheasants they get are those that breed naturally. The difference in behaviour is very apparent.
the ones who live in the open forest are not hunted or pen raised but they are used to humans and dogs. They are shyer when not breeding but when the cocks are in display, they will, as I said, attack their reflection in cars!
They taste great though the lead shot can be a problem.
I don't like pheasant at all. We always have them in the garden. If I like them I might be tempted.

Actually, no I wouldn't, I just couldn't kill them. They come into our garden for refuge from the shoots, which come to think about it will soon be taking place again. All those silly idiots who come down from the towns for a jolly day's shooting - shooting birds that have been bred specifically to provide them with their targets and have to be chased out of the undergrowth by the beaters. Some sport!!
We recently stayed in North Yorkshire near Cropton Forest and went for lots of lovely walks. On one of them we came through some woods with our labrador,Lottie and she started flushing out pheasants in every direction. We were right in the area where the shoot takes place but didn't know. Lottie is a real softie,she would never hurt anything but she had great fun.They were literally everywhere.I too love the noise they make,almost like an old car starting.
We are off to North Yorkshire next week Barb and Dog is coming too! Hope it doesn't snow x
DG - Big Sis had a pair of pheasants (male and female) this summer, who each evening would saunter up her drive, cross the lawn and pick up any food which had fallen from the various bird feeders. They would spend a good 30 mins each visit hoovering the garden in this entertaining manner. Mind you, it wound up the lurcher pup something chronic. The pair would eventually saunter off at a very slow pace. They looked like Darby & Joan on their way out to the pub and home again :o)
Hi Lottie,hope you have a lovely time.We were very lucky rain and quite a lot of sunshine until the day we left. We stayed in a lovely cottage in Stape,near Pickering.Went over the moors to the coast 3 times.It was fantastic.Lottie Lab had a fab holiday.Have fun.Looks like colder but dry next week.Fingers crossed. (sorry to take over the post!) Barb x

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