i have a 6 month old puppy he is a japanese akita crossed with alsation. he seems to have a poo problem. i am feeding him james well beloved but he is quite loose any suggestions please
there may well be many replies to your query -suggest you check out rawfoodfordogs -suspect some combination of these words will get you on site. Also check out the source of your dog food -if you dig deep you will and horrified to learn what your dog is injesting in propriatory dog food. Great that you have asked the question - your pup is lucky
thanks for your comments carmalee. At the moment he is eating james well beloved, but hes not that impressed by it so we add a tiny bit of tinned meat for flavour
Just feed him chicken and rice (chicken from the butcher) for a couple of days, that should help, if it doesn't help I suggest you visit the vet.
I'm with Carmalee on the rawfeeding, I swear by it, totally transformed our dogs. but keep his diet stable until you are sure he is well, not good to change his diet drastically if he is unwell.
How often are you feeding and how much - several small meals are better than one or two big ones. I have a seven month old GSD and he is still on three or four, depending on whether he clears up his last one. If you are feeding too much he will poo it out and it will be looser the more he does. I feed a combination of complete (Eukanuba), very small amount of tinned, and some raw chicken wings (from Sainsbury's) at lunch time.
Really sorry to interrupt but just trying to catch lankeela... there's a post in law about a husky eating chickens, I think your input might be appreciated as I know you're pretty up there on all things dog related!
I've had 5 dogs in the 50yrs i've been married,they all had fresh meat from the butchers,but i cooked it,they also had shapes biscuits and bonios.They all lived to a good age,one got to 17yrs old