17d Any of five non metallic elements (flurine , chlorine,cromine,iodine and astatine) With similar chemical properties,forming a linked group in then the second rightmost column of the periodic table.(7) (H?l??e?) 20d Annual sports competition won in October 2010 by the San Francisco Giants.(5-6) (??r??-S??i?s) 23d Mass of earth and rock debris carried and deposited by a glacier, forming mounds and ridges.(7) (m?r?i?e) 14d Uncharged elementary particle of the baryon family made up of three quarks (7) (N?u?r?n) 28d Russian city of southern Siberia founded as a fortress in 1604 by a decree of the Tsar Boris Godunov.(5) (T?m?k) 29d Fluid said to flow in the veins of the gods in greek mythology.(5) (I?h?r)