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rex has gone to sleep

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slinky.kate | 20:21 Sun 28th Nov 2010 | Animals & Nature
52 Answers
had to take rex to the vet this afternoon,and he got put to sleep,he had deteriorated so much over the last few days,the vet asked us if we wanted him put on a drip and see how he is in the morning but i said no,it was time to let go,so sad i.ll miss him.


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Sorry to hear about your beloved rex slinkykate.

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
and pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this--the last battle--can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
Don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
What is to come can hold no fears
You'd not want me to suffer, so.
When the time comes, please let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me til the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
it is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close--we two--these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears
there is no way i could read that poem micky,
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mickey thats how i feel with that poem,it had me greetin' again..
So sorry to hear this,slinky...but at least you were prepared,and Rex is no longer suffering...he will be at Rainbow Bridge-waiting.

Micky-that's a lovely poem-and so meaningful for those of us who have had to let go of beloved pets.
Aw slinkykate I'm sorry to hear that :( (((hugs)))
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MM - your poem made me cry.

Slinky - my condolences. Every time I hear of someone losing a beloved pet I feel so sad. But you did precisely the right thing for Rex.

I've posted this before and will do again. When I read it, it makes me think of my fur baby. I told her that I would see her there as she went in my arms.
awww sorry for your loss xxxx its so hard when we loose a pet xx
It was a great poem and i thought very apt and also very moving.
A lovely poem Micky. Here's another that was published in my local newspaper, written by a kind soul who took in a dog very much in need. Still can't read it without shedding a tear.

The Final Walk.

I found a clearly abandoned dog in the park,
So gentle and nice, she didn’t know how to bark.

Like a little white lamb dumped in the snow,
She had a tumour in her throat starting to grow.

Almost bind, she could hardly see.
And her white coat was black with fleas.

Bad teeth, blocked glands and a faulty heart,
But straightaway, I knew I couldn’t part.

Out of fear, if I opened the door, she’d flash in,
She later slowed down, that made me grin.

Soon she wouldn’t leave my side,
The savage way she’d been treated, I admit I cried.

She’d follow me around, not once making a sound,
If I said “good girl”, her tail would whirl.

After only a few months, to the lovely vets we had to go,
And it didn’t help that her beautiful gentle eyes were still aglow.

On that horrible final walk, it gave me time to think,
Lots of questions to ask before I signed her fate in ink.

Why do people treat animals in this way?
Is there a God? Will he make them pay?

A question that had me in a spin,
Where does her spirit go after the needle that frees sinks in?

Brave and courageous, precious as a pearl,
Why am I killing this little doggy girl?

Mandy, I’m glad I found you, of that I’m sure,
If it had been 13 years earlier, then I could have loved you more.
Kate, so sad, you did right by him, bless you rex and your family.
I lost my lovely girl last month, reading all your lovely answers have made me cry again. Remember the fun times, I do, and there were so many of them. (((((hugs))))) Wendyxx
aww Kate it's rotten isn't it? You will miss him, bet you'll still talk to him too. It took me weeks to move Bingo's dish, daft but that's how it gets you. It sounds like how our Max went, it was his liver, very fast at the end. Take care kate x
Worst feeling, when your best friend goes limp in your arms, but you have to be there for him and the time comes when you smile at the good times again. Then another rogue takes over your heart.
sorry to read this, slinky. you did the right thing, i'm sure. it is a difficult time but you must remember the good times!
That was nice mrs.chappie.
Thanks Micky. That poor wee dog had been abandoned in the freezing cold because it had a growth (turned out to be cancer) and its "owner" (I won't use the word that I feel is more appropriate) couldn't afford to take it to the vet.

As a rescuer I've encountered many sad/cruelty cases. This particular old dog got to me more than most.

(Apologies for going off topic, kate).
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you are all so very kind,bless you all x x x x x
My beautiful labradoodle was cleaned up by some lunatic of a 17 year old rushing to get to school, driving a Ford Expedition at nearly 50 mph in a 20 mph area.

It was a terrible day/days and they do very much become part of the family. She was only 3 and that evening before, when she was in the prone position, I had reflected on what a great dog she had grown into.........

I sympathise fwith you for your loss....

Hopefully you will shortly replace him - with a dog who shall love you in his or her own way, but never the way that Rex did....
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i wont replace rex,i am not fit eneugh anyway.

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