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Cat Rescue

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kat1 | 13:10 Sat 25th Dec 2010 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
Well, that's the cats fed & watered. Their heaters are on 24 hours due to the low temperature.Just me there today as we are closed to the public.
Have a Purrrrrrrrrrrrrfect Xmas everyone. x


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hi kat, well done!
I've done my own mini cat rescue this morning as next doors cat seems to have been left outside overnight as they are away. He's a black surly tom and is not getting along with my two but he'll settle in a while i guess.,
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Make sure you tell them dotty it's not right leaving it outside!!
kat have you any ideas on how to stop my second rescue cat Lizzie from moutling? she is not really long haired but quite thick coated and it;s falling out alot today, I've brushed her and lots has come out, she's quite calm now and has been asleep all morning pretty much, except when next doors cat Preston appeared.
glad to see some people are looking after our furry friends :)
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You find shot haired cats moult the most. I've asked this question myself & it's just natural. You're doing the right thing by brushing her regular.
I echo Dr.F's sentiments .... nice to know there are kind-hearted folk about.
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I get a lot of satisfaction from it dr.f & mrs.chap
And deservedly so, kat. xxx

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