I am insured with animal care insurance and have been for 6 years. I made a claim on the policy this year for my dog's mast cell tumour to be removed. The policy has always renewed automatically and it states in the policy booklet I got when I took out the policy that it will do this each year. My policy was due to run out 31st November but I didn't realise this as I've never had to check before, they just sent my new documents through. Realised today that I haven't had any documents for this year, Looking at my bank statement though they took out a payment on 3rd December for slightly more money than before. Does this mean my policy has renewwd automatically and I just haven't got the paperwork?
Am going to give them a ring tomorrow. If I have to get a new policy the mast cell tumours will go down as an existing condition and I'd have to pay if he had another. Surely if they hadn't automatically renewed and the policy document stated they would I'd be able to get the old policy number so this is covered? It's there fault as much as mine.
You know what insurance companies are like. but if the payment has been taken, then it will be for your existing policy and you should be covered for the same condition occurring again. That's how I see it- and good luck tomorrow.