How old? in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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How old?

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ummmm | 14:43 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers
Are kittens when they can become pregnant?
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Naughty Brian !!
after first 'heat' approx 6 months old.....that's how I ended up adopting Brenda teenage mum thrown out by owners
its real young, i'm sure mickthepricks kitten was about 6 months when she got up the duff

is brian playing the field?
Not sure of exact age but they can get pregnant really young. My sisters kitten got pregnant (years ago) and the vet performed a termination because she was too young.
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He's not naughty...he's a good boy. He's had his gonads chopped off anyway.

MIL has a cat that hasn't been neutered and now has a little girly kitten. I wondered how long it'll be before he tries to get at her.
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She must be about 4 months old now.
he needs doing sooner rather than later...by the time your MIL notices the kitten is ready he will already have been there..... then its a termination spaying as best solution
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I don't think they'll get him done. I think he's about 5 now.

So the chances are he'll be at her as soon as she's old enough if they don't get her spayed?
Its not a case of ' the chances are he'll be at her' - its an odds on bet he will. Not fair to the cat or kittens if she produces because she is so young and will be hard pushed to rear them properly. Disgraceful. Also other male cats in the area will be after her and will probably end up fighting with the male. You can get her done early so I would recommend they both go to the vet straight away.
Why won't they get him done...he's certainly not too old for the op......and he's leaving a trail of unwanted kittens behind him.
What on earth made them get a girly with an un-neutered male?
Trisha is about 1 now but she had a litter about 3 months ago, she's now been done and she's acting like a kitten herself now, when I first met her just a few weeks ago she looked tired, sad and depressed.
sadly, yes they can have a litter at about 6 months old!............that's why you all need to nueter your cats!.......Male and female!..........There are too many cats and kittens needing homes already!.........please be responsible owners!..............
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I don't know why they never got him done. I'm more concerned for the kitten and I just wanted to know what sort of age...so I can tell MIL. Any cat I've had has been spayed or neutered as soon as poss.

Why did they get a female cat....because the grand daughter brought it home. It will be well looked after, I just don't want her to get pregnant.
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Ian - what's disgraceful?

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