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Scratching thing in garden - again

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sherrardk | 21:39 Wed 09th Feb 2011 | Animals & Nature
42 Answers
I've posted about this before, but there is something coming into my garden at night. It scratches about in the corner and sounds huge. It is always at around the same time - do rats have a night-time routine or could it be a fox on the other side of the fence? Thanks


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could be a badger sher, they snuffle about and scratch, but if you're not in a rural area, more likely it's a fox!..........We live in a town, as you know, and a fox visits our street most nights.........It's a large dog fox and he's very handsome!........
If it's a Badger, sherrardk must have a bloody strong fence if it's not been destroyed.
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My garden is titchy so if it is a badger it must be the other side of the fence. Must take the torch out tonight (will have to look for the good one as opposed to the Lego Man one!).
Oh sher, let us know what you find!................
... unless it's something really scary. Then we don't wanna know.
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I shall venture out shortly and take the torch - bet it doesn't show up tonight now!
I still want to know sher!..........even if Naz is a scaredy cat! you're right, probably won't show up!
No offence sherr, but if it is a badger you would have to be careful it didn't pick up your scent. They are naturally shy
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Oi ttfn - you saying I smell?
My husband has just gone for a ciggie so I have asked him to listen out for 'it’, but unless it comes and and sits on his knee he wouldnt notice it!
Do what my mum would have done - send one of the kids to investigate. ;-)

Badgers are fierce but cute looking.

Is there no way you could rig up some sort of movement activated camcorder thingy? If nothing else you will get an idea of which of the neighbours cats is visiting your garden/cat latrine.
AiBags - I can just imagine the badger looking you over to see if you were a threat, shrugging his tire shoulders and wandering off home to the missus.
might also be a polecat if they are in the neighbour hood although not that big they are quite strong...but more importantly they tend to keep to a routine
Well? What was it.
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Typical - didn't hear anything last night!
Maybe it reads AB during the day? :-))
Who's turn is it night ABers to go scratching in sher's garden.

(We gave it a miss last night, 'cos we knew you were watching out)
i'll go, but if it turns out to be the giant man eating spider, i'm sending it in your direction lofty
My lady cat is fear-less and pretty fierce - if you want you can borrow her and she could hunt out your visitor.

Her brother has recently been beaten to a pulp by her so he can vouch for her ferocity.
lol ^^^ wildlife tourettes?

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