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Chickens Yum Yum

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dustypuss | 15:20 Tue 01st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Have you ever wonderd how many chickens you have eaten during your life time ?


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No ... and neither, I suspect, have they.
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no, I'm a sheep man myself
All I know its a lot more since I discovered Nando's
No many...

I don't mind a drumstick but I don't like chicken breast much. Although would eat it if I was hungry enough.
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i saw you have 2 odd chicken legs at the bbq pixi
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I have at least 3 a week that 155 a year and one turky a xmass
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Dusty puss you are keeping all those factory farms going!!!!

I buy about two chickens a week (free range organic) and they make us loads of meals and the carcasses end up as stock for chicken soup.

But no, I haven't wondered how many I have eaten in 64 years!! I have probably eaten a lot of cows too!! ;o)
63 years Lottie, 63! Tut, tut! ;o}
I've probably eaten 5 whole salmon farms.
Um, let me see, 5 + 26 + 1062 = quite a lot. Nice too, but like ummmm I prefer legs or thighs. Breast meat is too dry.
I've eaten so many I am nopw clucking mad.

I only eat organic since being in Tescos Head Office the day BSE 'broke' out. The chap I was dealing with said "Think BSE is a problem, what about chickens and never mind the salmonella risk...

How long does it take for a totally organic chicken, pecking away in mother nature etc, to reach 3 pounds weight for cooking"

"No idea," says I

"6 to 9 months"

"And for a battery chicken a la Tysons or whoever to reach 3 pounds?"

"Answer 6 to 8 weeks,,,,,,,,"

No more steroids for me thank you - reminds me I need to go and buy myself a new bra.
Don't know the number but it's lots. Mrs McM has so many chicken recipes that we never get tired of it. I like eggs too.

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