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Mrs MM. and my rant

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micmak | 22:18 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Reached the grand old age of 60 last September. On several occasions since then she has been told her pension date. This has been changed 3 times. Today she received one weeks pension, and told she will be paid monthly from now on. So two things, She has worked all her life with the exception of taking 2 years out for childbirth ( back in those days you didn't get maternity leave ) We do not claim any benefit what so ever. To me it all seems unfair. The reason I think this is, we have saved and not been extravagent and now have to pay tax on her pension. Maybe we should have not saved and p!ssed it up the wall. Rant over.


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We are in the same boat, mic. Both OH and I have a small company pension and have to pay tax on it. It does make us fume but there's nowt you can do about it, although it's very annoying.
We're in the same position, just because we both (me and my husband) saved and paid into pension schemes we are taxed again on money that was taxed in the first place.
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Those that have worked all their lives and own their own house and " saved " for later in life get zilch
Pi$$es me off it does
If she was 60 in September why did she not receive her pension then?
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Thanks for understanding my rant. Mrs C and Puss that's it exactly. We both paid into a private pension scheme, to be honest I feel robbed. Pinki, if you dont put something by you will be destitute by the time you retire.
They keep moving the goal posts, depending when your 60th birthday is you don't get your state pension until a later date.
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Carondog, because the labour party raised the retirement age.
I didn't realise that it had come into effect now, I thought it was for people who reached 60 a bit later on.
i wont get my pension till im 65
What happens if you have to retire from your job at 60 and don't draw your pension until you are 65, what are you supposed to live on?
State Pension Age Calculator

This calculator is up to date using current legislation. It does not take into account changes announced in the Government's recent Spending Review. It will not be updated until the changes are passed into law, which is not expected until the summer of 2011.

The State Pension Age (SPA) is the earliest age you can draw your State Pension. Your SPA is specific to your date of birth.

Changes were announced in the Government's recent Spending Review and these are included in the summary below and this schedule. The Spending Review changes bring forward the rise to 66 from 2026 to 2020. It is anticipated that the rises to 67 and 68 will also be bought forward.
State Pension Age Calculator

This calculator is up to date using current legislation. It does not take into account changes announced in the Government's recent Spending Review. It will not be updated until the changes are passed into law, which is not expected until the summer of 2011.

The State Pension Age (SPA) is the earliest age you can draw your State Pension. Your SPA is specific to your date of birth.* New! Between December 2018 and April 2020, retirement ages for men and women are increasing to 66.
* Between April 2034 and April 2036, retirement ages for men and women are increasing to 67.
* Between April 2044 and April 2046, retirement ages for men and women are increasing to 68.
Fresh air carandrog, you have to work till you drop now.
what? I retire at 65 in 2020, they can sod off they've already moved it back 5 years!
i fume every time i am reminded that i am paying tax for being careful and saved so fully understand your rant..
I am very lucky then to have retired 8 years ago with my pension
I'm 65 in October 2020 and so that's when i aim to retire, unless I have dropped dead of overwork and a chronic case of Northern Rail Network fatigue

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Mrs MM. and my rant

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