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The loyalty of an animal.

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Jemisa | 22:42 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

I've put this in @Animals & Nature but I think you should see it too.
One of the saddest things I've seen. (sniff) How this dog will not leave her injured friend.



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That is so very sad, Jem.
Why have you posted this twice jem?
I can't watch it - I've already had to take my mum's 18 year old cat to the vet to have him put to sleep tonight. I'm only just holding it together :(
Aw karen, so sorry to hear about the puss. x
oh dear !
He was a wee soul Mrs C - he purred right up till the end.
Aw, poor old fella. :o(

Don't know whether you do hugs on here, karen, but if you do ... here you go .....

(((((((((((HUG))))))))))) xxx
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CAS - I did explain. It is sad but not horrendous everyone, I wouldn't do that to you. It seems the animals have been forgotten in this tragedy.

Awww! Karen I know how you feel so sorry about yourmums cat. I had to do the same last year and our sweetie was 20.
Good news now, we've adopted a rescue cat from the RSPCA & we're all happy now.

I dare not click on the link - i'd only cry....i was wondering about everyone's animals in Japan...
At least you've got a better response on here.
Sorry jem, but I am with 20SilkCut here. I have had some wonderfully loyal pets in many, many years. Sometimes they were my only friends. Karen (((HUG))) from me too.
i watched it............................ dont....... no offence jem.
Indeed least we can always rely on animals - am really missing my cat whom i had to get put down last year....I just could nt go through all that pain again, so i'm animal free at present! :-(
OMG! that is heartbreaking :-((( how very very sad
Why did the people who were filming not go up to the dog, instead of just standing there with a camera. The dogs obviously did belong to somebody, because they were wearing collars and not wild dogs. So they could have gone up and helped.
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Mmmm! Den I think they were observing, you never know with dogs and being distressed like that they could have been vicious one never knows. If they had taken the healthy dog what of the sick one leave it to die? mmm difficult. Its owners may have perished.
There must have been lots of animals in the same predicament and had to be put down, they've got to put people first I suppose.
A sad situation.


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The loyalty of an animal.

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