The little birds in my garden have an unfortunate habit of flying into my living room window, the majority of them are stunned for a while but sadly some of them are killed. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to prevent this from happening (another 2 casualties today) I have placed some stickers on the glass and there is often a cat or two sitting looking outside but to no avail the birds are still getting hurt or killed.
I heard that sometimes it is deliberate because they see the reflection and think that it is a competitor. My mum had a chaffinch that did this time and time again for about 2 days.
I had the same problem tried stickers helped but didn't stop them the only solution that works is a net curtain or voile ,good luck as it's upsetting when they die poor little things x
I've found birds are more likely to fly into a window when there is light coming through from another window in the room maybe on the opposite wall. Perhaps they think they can fly through. So I try and cover the light from one window with blinds or something and I use stickers on the other window. Nets are a good idea if you don't mind having them. But with me it's usually the young birds in springtime that have just fledged and still learning. After that I don't have any problem.
I have a blind on the other window - this room is dual aspect(?) but I keep the blind at the front closed otherwise it would seem as though we were sitting in a greenhouse! I did wonder if a net at that window would do, but in our previous house we'd the same problem nets or not and it didn't have the window to the front. Thanks for all your replies, I'm sure there's a solution out there.
We had the opposite problem. Our loft has a small window and starlings move inside via the guttering but cannot get out and die on the sill. A blind will stop them but we have reluctantly fitted bird guards to keep them out.
For your problem fine horticultural netting a few feet in front of the window would soften impact I guess