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Birds Of Prey Quiz....

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carrust | 21:47 Fri 17th May 2013 | Twitching & Birdwatching
38 Answers
.....fingers on buzzards:-)


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The Nuns Story.
Owld Yeller
egrets ... i've had a few
Je n' egret rien.
I'm still thinking.
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Do everything tern, tern, tern
Tony desperately trying to think of something to do with tits.
Ride a white swan
bearded goat tit?
Oi, I saw that, cupid.
Hawk Eye The Noo......x
Dont run out of petrel in that Tony.
Hope you have all had a very pheasant day and not done too much grousing.
Perhaps we need a lesson in which birds are raptors and which are not.
Think we all need a new Hobby!
How about bird watching then.
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All the young smews by guillimot the hoople

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