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Furthur To My Posts Re Blackies And Thrushes On Windowsill....

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ferlew | 21:17 Fri 09th May 2014 | Twitching & Birdwatching
6 Answers
Mr Blackie seems very resentful that the thrush is popping in. He drives the thrush away at almost every visit.
Luckily, thrush won't be bullied, and eventually comes back for his share of the currants.
Is this usual?
Just been sat on back door step listening to the evening chorus, it does your heart so much good.


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I don't know when blackbirds find time to feed ferlew. Mine seem to spend their whole time chasing every other bird away. But their song is so sweet. I had one chuntering away to itself in the border until after dark. Puts a smile on my face:)
Mine or should I say "my trainer" has help from a thrush and both will eat the worms I give them from the same place together (and the rest of the family have been trained as well!!!)
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LB, the thrush is the only one Mr BB has a problem with, no idea why?
Mrs BB is fine with ev one else.
I know nothing about birds so if this is a daft question I apologise in advance.
Where I live the blackbirds seem to spend most of their time on the ground. You rarely see them flying but you do see them walking / running to where they want to go.
There was a Thrush in the garden singing his/her heart out at dusk tonight - quite wonderful.
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agree, both have a fab evensong....

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