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A Mini Drama At Notts ....

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seekeerz | 08:35 Mon 19th May 2014 | Twitching & Birdwatching
33 Answers
One baby is missing out on breakfast as it has hopped out of the nest box and having trouble getting back !!


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Oh thank goodness, I was worried all night about him/her it won't do that again !!
It's out of the box again!!
I wonder, reading the blog, if they might adjust the height of the edge when they clean the nest to help future chicks hop back in....and Tilly too...☺
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Or put a couple of bricks for the chick to use, to hop back in ! But he's obviously a thrill seeker, if he's out again !
I know they don't want to keep replacing chicks but as they placed the nest box perhaps a brick as you say, Seek dropped there quickly would help this little one...
We don't have enough for them not to try to save this one....

Anyone fancy a trip to Notts with a very long ladder....and a very little ladder for the birds....☺
Back in!
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Little wretch !!
grubs up
Where are they?
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One has waddled back into view, so I guess they're all out exploring just now !!
Oh seekeerz thank you. Such a relief. I thought something had eaten them for breakfast!
Empty nest. Have they all gone walkies again?
They were all there an hour ago when I looked, fast asleep. Haven't seen mum and dad there together for ages. Just one parent when I looked earlier.

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