We have never had Jackdaws in our garden before and we have been in this house for almost 50 years. This year there have been as many as twenty in the garden early morning,every day. A lot of them are young ones ,still being fed by the adults. The thing is ,they eat everything that is put out for the smaller birds.Fat balls, nuts etc.I have had to put things around the feeders to try to keep them away. They make short work of the pasta that I use to feed a couple of magpies.And the din they make is horrendous. During the day they fly back and forth .
Just wondering if anyone else has these birds in their garden ?Why have they suddenly made an appearance in the garden
Hi, Andres.....it appears that since the 70s Jackdaw population has increased by about 50% so I guess they will be making more of an appearance in our gardens....and they are remarkably greedy.
I have some great shots of my last holiday in Ireland where the Jackdaws were coming onto our balcony and as close as the door looking for food.
Yes, my friends had one called Woo, when you walked up to his Avery he'd go "wooooo, good morning", think he may have said more but I never heard it. :-)
Not sure where this one picked it up, one of the friends worked at an animal rescue sanctuary, so I assume someone had it as a pet before it was taken in there.
gness--- We don't have any swallows around at the moment .
My sister has just been shopping down in the town (5mins away) and she said that there are lots of jackdaws in the town centre. Looks like they have all decided to come to NW Lancs .
We have lots of jackdaws, I quite like them, they are not as noisy or aggressive as crows and rooks. They are a bit clumsy when they attack our bird-feeder! Hate magpies! Now we are getting the noisy parrakeets!