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update,...... pain in head out of control sunday night, right eyelid droop over eye, unable to see properly. medics came, taken to hospital, pain killers given, head x-ray showed mass on brain, but doctors cannot understand symptoms, as patient had stroke 25 years ago and it may be residue from that. patient normal in speech, brain power, limb motion, in fact, all normal. now started seeing colours and squares, cannot use both eyes as double vision. MRI que, so not until sunday, so that is a week from hospital admission. They marked on the ward board to hand the case to stroke unit, but patient already taking warfarin ( which is up and down at every test) and verapomil for uneven heartbeat. Doctors are foreign chaps, and we do not understand every word, we just glean bits here and there.So, could it have been a bleed, a stroke, or is a tumour the likely outcome? Or, as our GP thinks, severe migraine??? the headaches have been consistant for 3 months. must say, when 30 mg of codeine and 500 of paraceteamol was administered at the hospital the patient was soon pain free and really happy. We are adults, please speak as you find. Must just add, think its poor show that the MRI machine has a normal waiting list of 12 weeks, and they had to fit us in a week after the hospital admission, only because there was a cancellation, we have sat for three days waiting for a slot, worry, good news ( just stroke) or bad news etc.