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Another Poorly Pigeon In The Garden

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Tilly2 | 19:21 Fri 03rd Jun 2016 | Twitching & Birdwatching
8 Answers
Why do pigeons choose my garden in which to spend their last days?

Do they not realise that we have a Staffie who patrols the garden?



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Whats wrong with the pigeon, Yilly ?.
Question Author
It's just sitting there all fluffed up and dopey. It can't fly very far. I have tried to shoo it out of the garden but it can't get the height to fly over the fence.

Stupid, poorly bird.
Would Tilly intentionally harm it? Dogs are not always as evil as cats when it comes to birds and rodents.
You don't live in Hexham do you Till?
on what planet wolf?
Question Author
Tilly has chased it twice today but she has not actually touched it. She's a bit afraid, I think but it does stress the pigeon, I feel, Wolf.

No, Shoots. Why?
Because you seem to hex 'em...
Question Author
Very funny, Shoots.

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Another Poorly Pigeon In The Garden

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