Business & Finance6 mins ago
Bearded Vulture.
2 Answers
https:/ /www-te legraph -co-uk. cdn.amp project .org/v/ s/www.t elegrap /news/2 020/07/ 18/vult ure-roo sts-sho oting-h otspot- amid-fe ars-lik e-turke y-spend ing/amp /?amp_j s_v=a3& amp;amp _gsa=1& amp;usq p=mq331 AQFKAGw ASA%3D# aoh=159 5177339 8766&am p;amp_c t=15951 7735025 7&r eferrer =https% 3A%2F%2 Fwww.go m&a mp_tf=F rom%20% 251%24s &am pshare= https%3 A%2F%2F egraph. Fnews%2 F2020%2 F07%2F1 8%2Fvul ture-ro osts-sh ooting- hotspot -amid-f ears-li ke-turk ey-spen ding%2F
This bird is in my neck of the woods. I hope it survives the attentions of the gamekeepers.
This bird is in my neck of the woods. I hope it survives the attentions of the gamekeepers.
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