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Fao Sandyroe

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jourdain2 | 18:02 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

For some reason there is no 'Answer' box on your post in Body & Soul about help to put on socks - so I'm driven to this.

The device you need is called a 'Sock Aid'.  OH has one and they are easily available on line.  It gives him freedom from me always having to be around to help.

Hope this helps.  No idea why there is no Answer facility.



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I have looked at the thread and can see no reason why it was closed so assume it was closed in error (very easy to do!)

I have re-opened it

jourdain2 - it was possibly closed in error, I've reopened it if you'd like to post there now.  I'll remove this thread in 5 minutes.


Thank you for your post here.

I've ordered one on-line and also a pair of slip on shoes.

Ok, Sandy's seen this, so I'll leave the thread in place.

I bet the mods closedit because - - -  they smelt a rat!

-- answer removed --

can't you see a big white box in front of you, gully, with the words 'Your Answer' in the top left corner? I'm waiting for the gorgeous, pouting Yvette to rule on rat control - and, de facto, on AB's infestation.....

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Do give Yvette my best wishes DTC - she goes frome strength to strength!

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Do you know the answer?

Fao Sandyroe

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