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Guardian Jumbo Cryptic

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Bogtrotter | 09:31 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

14a Trainee period in popular bird's joint - I've got Internship, but then 4d, Band remains instage, initially, is surely Bros? Which means the s of 4d is an h in 14a! Help please.



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I had Sash, S+Ash, for 4 D. (Stage iniitally+Ash, remains)

I had 'bash' for 4d - B for band and 'remains' being 'ash'. (I think most of us went for 'Bros' at first.)

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Thankyou, I'd read it as being the initial letters.

Having just seen Neveracrossword's post - we crossed - I prefer sash as the answer. 

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Guardian Jumbo Cryptic

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