Morning MB, hope you're well :-)
Mine seems to like attempting backflips within a VERY small space at the moment. He/ she/ it is very active and consequently I have come to work on a Monday morning feeling beaten up as opposed to rested after the weekend - my hip joints ache, my coccyx feels bruised, my shoulders ache, my ribs ache, my lower back aches, my head aches, I have Shrek like puffy ankles and my calves feel like I have spent hours on the treadmill (sadly, they don't look like I have spent hours on the treadmill).
I once read on one of these posts (made by redcrx I think), that if the sticky-out bit is very hard then it is probably the bum because the head is very soft. I asked my midwife last week (I am 28+5, but was 28+0 at the time) if she could tell which end was which on me but she told me because mine was so far back she could only tell me which way it was laying but that in a few weeks I should be able to tell though :-)
Anyhoo, rant over, back to the original question LOL..... mine seems to lay diagonally across me - one end is at my my right hip and the other under my left ribs, every now and then I can feel it dead central and can feel movement behind where my uterus used to be (you know where you'd have felt period pains), and in the middle of my tum above my belly button and below my ribs. The most active bit is definitely my right hip though, as they seem to be botting there most often and I love watching it move in the evenings.