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up in the air

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knacajack | 11:34 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Im struggling on the last seven.

Any help will be welcome.

15. Before the Spanish girl takes most of the water plant for the bird.
26. Bird to weather a storm.
58.....but Kelvin has a long bat
64 Communist returns about tea-time like a loon
87 Insects generally not amenable to spraying-at the start
91Top notch i am briefly on a perch to see a hunter
92 Flighty ones upset trader on backstreet



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91 Nimrod
15) girl = miss, then spanish for the


58) Kelvin is K + along = a type of bat

64) communist = red, returns means backwards

87) first letters

92) anagram + street (st) backwards
were these any help?
Question Author

thanks for that. Managed to work out a couple of them before your response but 58 was welcome.

still struggling with 64-had worked out the red backwards bit and am applying the letters tt but still not getting anywhere.

as for 87-am supposing ignat is the answer but havent been able to cross reference it
Question Author
oh and still trying to work out 26 on the basis of weather a
26 es/word_wizards/

will give you the anagram

What time do you have afternoon tea? In roman numerals

good luck
oh 86 - doesn't start with "i"
Question Author
ha-thanks for pointing out no 86.

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up in the air

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