reece1 asked this weighty question recently, thanks to rekstout for this answer. A. Unfortunately the answer isn't as easy as 'what was the tallest dinosaur' or 'what was the longest dinosaur'.
00:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002A. Rekstout was wondering whether tales of 5 metres length and a tonne in weight were just anglers over exaggerating or if there was any substance to such claims. MistyLady did some web searching to
00:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002A. A rabbit usually produces between 3 and 9 bunnies in a litter. When they're born they're blind and helpless. Q. How many litters will she produce a year A. Females may produce several litters
00:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002A. No, the earth's surface isn't a solid mass; it's made up of plates. These plates move, taking the continents with them. The official term for this is plate tectonics. Consequently the size,
00:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002A. Probably the piranha. They attack with such ferocity that they strip an animal of its flesh completely within a matter of minutes. The attack, which can involve up to 20,000 fish, some of whom
00:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002A. Geysers are very impressive displays of hydrothermal energy. Rainwater or snowmelt seeps through cracks in the ground and meets up with hot underlying rocks. However, despite reaching boiling
00:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002This was asked by ouyangz, thanks to artisan for this answer. A. The length of pregnancy, or gestation period, is 61 to 65 days, the average being 63 days from the first day of breeding. Q. How
00:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002 A. No, not always and they can sustain nasty injuries falling from even relatively low heights, just in case you were thinking of testing the theory. However they do have an inbuilt sensory
00:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002A. Well, to answer Isaacr's question, the oceans do appear to be badly managed and over fished: there are 20 varieties of fish that conservationists want shoppers to avoid buying because of the
00:00 Mon 04th Mar 2002A. Not very, compared to their more typical cousins like grizzly bears. They have a very different diet and make a different noise. Q. How is their diet different A. They're herbivores, unlike
00:00 Mon 04th Mar 2002A. No, it's actually an outcrop of compacted hair, and so, like the hair on our heads, is made of keratin. Q. And the rhino's horn is of no medicinal value A. Absolutely none at all, although
00:00 Mon 04th Mar 2002Caves cut into loessdeposits in China A. Loess is the name given to wind-blown, glacial silt deposits. Q. What does 'loess' mean A. Loess - pronounced luss - is German and means 'loose' or
00:00 Mon 25th Feb 2002A. As incitatus , who answered sabrinahs question, stated, the rattle is produced by a series of dried, hollow segments of skin, which, when shaken, make a whirring sound. Q. How is the
00:00 Mon 25th Feb 2002A. Yes they do. The penis bone, os penis, (os is Latin for 'bone'), or baculum, occurs sporadically in the animal kingdom. It is found in insectivores, bats, rodents, carnivores, and pinnipeds, and
00:00 Mon 25th Feb 2002A. Their famous twinkle is the result of our earth's atmosphere, which, amongst other things, generates turbulence. As the atmosphere broils it bends, or refracts, the light from the star in
00:00 Mon 18th Feb 2002A. Yes, like all vertebrates fish have sense organs that help them understand their environment, including ears to pick up sounds. Q. Where are their ears A. Fish have an inner ear enclosed in
00:00 Mon 18th Feb 2002A. No, in fact T rex couldn't extend its elbow could not be extended much beyond a 90-degree angle. Q. How long was T rex's arm A. About a metre long, almost the same length as a humans, with
00:00 Mon 18th Feb 2002A. Parikrama asked this question recently. As incitatus and ravenhair point out, there is no difference. Q. Why does the same dog have two different names A. Basically the breed originally
00:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002A. There are several mechanisms going on here in order for trees, even enormous redwoods that can grow up to 100 metres, to get water from the roots all the way to the top, known as the crown. Q.
00:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002A. Nothing, they're the same thing. The two different terms are used to distinguish between molten rock that's still beneath the earth's crust: magma, and molten rock that's erupted: lava. Q. How
00:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002