Food & Drink1 min ago
How do I train my new puppy
by Lisa Cardy
How do I house-train my puppy
Puppies aren't usually house-trained until they're�six months old, but these early months are critical for establishing good behaviour.
Make sure you have a designated toilet area in the house and take your puppy there every hour. When you're not around confine your puppy to an area lined with newspaper, so that it resembles his toilet area.
Make sure you praise him every time he uses the toilet area. If you feed your puppy at regular times then he will need to use the toilet at predictable times.
Never rub your puppy's nose in any of his accidents.
How can I stop my puppy from chewing and biting everything, including me
Normally a dog learns to stop chewing and biting from its mother and peers. Allow your dog to socialise with other puppies and dogs to emanate this learning process. They will learn whether they're being too rough from other dogs' reactions.
Socialising is also good for expending energy and preventing fear of other dogs. Puppies that do not play with other puppies are generally much more hyperactive and destructive in the home. The best time to begin socialising is before four months.
If your puppy tends to bite you when you come home, encourage him to find and get a toy to greet you with, this will take away his urge to bite you.
How can I stop my puppy from jumping up
When your puppy jumps up, gently and repeatedly put his feet back on the floor and get down to his level to pay him attention.
How can I train my puppy not to pull on his lead
Like all the tips offered here, it's important to break this habit in a pup. Restraining a fully grown dog is much harder.
Keep the lead loose and praise your puppy to keep it by your side. As soon as you puppy begins to move ahead of you give the lead a sharp tug. The key here is to correct the puppy before he starts to pull.
Never use a choke collar on a puppy.
Perhaps the most important advice for puppy training is: win your dogs trust and respect. Never hit, kick or smack your puppy, apart from being cruel, it will make your puppy learn to distrust you and will not respond to your training attempts. Good luck!
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