Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Is the rhino s horn made of bone
A. No, it's actually an outcrop of compacted hair, and so, like the hair on our heads, is made of keratin.
Q. And the rhino's horn is of no medicinal value
A. Absolutely none at all, although unfortunately this has not stopped poachers injuring and killing rhinos for them. Rhino horn has been valued for centuries in the mistaken belief that it has positive benefits for sexual problems. The most common use of poached horn is for making daggers or, in powdered form, as a panacea for sexual complaints.
In some countries a dehorning programme has been introduced to protect these endangered giants. The horn is removed professionally, leaving the animal unharmed and worthless to a poacher.
Q. What does 'rhinoceros' mean
A. Rhinoceros is a compound of two Greek words: 'rhino' means nose and 'ceros' means horn.
There are five species of rhinoceros, Sumatran, Javan, black, white, and Indian rhinos.
Q. Surely the epithet 'rhino', given its meaning, would have been more suitable for the long nosed elephant
A. Well, although they may not look as impressive on the outside, a rhino's nose is unusual in that it has huge nasal passages, bigger than its brain.
Q. Are rhinos aggressive
A. No, they're harmless herbivores. Because they are very nearsighted, they often charge when they are startled. This has given them the undeserved reputation for having a bad temper.
Q. Black and white rhinos look the same colour to me, why the distinction
A. Well spotted. Both 'white' and ''lack rhinos are actually brownish grey.
The inappropriately named white rhino has a much wider mouth than the black rhino. When Europeans first heard native Africans describing the animal they misheard 'wide' as 'white' and the name has stuck.
Q. So it's their mouths that are actually different, not their colour
A. That's right. The wide mouth of the white rhino is perfect for grazing on grasses, while the more narrow mouth of the black rhino is great for pulling leaves and shrubs into its mouth.
White and black rhinos live in Africa.
Q. Are they closely related to hippos
A. They're often thought to be, or with the other African heavyweight, the hippo, but in fact the rhinoceros is actually more closely related to the horse.
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by Lisa Cardy