Quizzes & Puzzles53 mins ago
Lee Tidman is having toilet problems with a new cat from a rescue shelter
Here, The AnswerBank highlights some possible causes of the problem, however if the behaviour persists, it may be a good idea to contact the shelter and a vet for help and advice.
Q.� How can I encourage my cat to use the litter tray
A.� Check what brand of cat litter the shelter uses, some cats don't appreciate a change in facilities and reverting to their familiar brand may correct the problem.
Make sure the tray is changed regularly, placed away from its food and is hidden from view; some cats are very particular about only using clean trays and privacy. Also make sure the tray is large enough, because, yes, you guessed it, cats can also be particular about how much space they have for their ablutions.
Q.� How can I encourage my cat to go outside to the toilet
A.� Your cat may be scared of his new surroundings and may need you to take him outside and stay with him until he gets used to things. Also, is there another aggressive cat that may be lurking outside, preventing your cat from venturing into the garden
Q.� How can I stop my cat from spraying in the house
A.� Your cat maybe doing this because there is something he doesn't like about his new surroundings. He may be unhappy about the other cats that have come with him to his new home or maybe he can smell your old cat. Make sure the offending cat gets lots of attention, encouraging him to settle in.
Neutering is an obvious solution to this problem. Alternatively you could put aluminium foil around the area: cats have an aversion to it. Make sure you clean the affected area with a biological, rather than ammonia, based cleaner as cats interpret this as urine and tend respond by re-spraying the area.
Q.� How can I encourage my cat to use the cat flap
A.� Again, this may be an entirely new concept for your cat and he my need extra encouragement to squeeze himself through this small plastic hole. Try kneeling at the other side of it and guiding your cat through using your hands until he gets the idea.
Most importantly never reprimand your cat after it's soiled somewhere in your house, they don't understand what they've done wrong, only that they're in trouble which will only exacerbate the problem.
Pet problems Click here for advice.
by Lisa Cardy