ChatterBank1 min ago
The general established view seems to be that birds evolved from dinosaurs, but what did dinosaurs evolve from
A.� From thecodonts, four legged reptiles, that existed during the Permian period and became extinct by the end of the Triassic. The thecodonts were also modern crocodiles ancestors.
Q.� What did thecodonts look like
A.� Because this is a period with scant fossil evidence, relatively little is known about the thecodonts. Unlike dinosaurs that walked on their toes, thecodonts walked on the flat of their foot.
Q.� When did dinosaurs start evolving
A.� Around 235 to 240 million years ago, during the Triassic period. It is a period of evolution about which there is little evidence and which has generated sharp debate among palaeontologists. A small, bipedal thecodont is the probable ancestors of dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs developed a more upright posture than thecodonts, with legs under their bodies rather than out at the side like lizards, giving them much greater mobility.
Several different kinds of dinosaurs developed from the thecodonts, most of which are divided into two major groups based on their anatomy. The first group, the Saurichians or lizard-hipped dinosaurs, included all the flesh-eating types and a few of the giant plant-eaters. The second group, the Ornithichians or bird-hipped dinosaurs, were herbivores.
Q.� How long did the thecodonts last for
A.� By 190 million years ago the thecodonts, other existing reptiles and the emerging mammals had been outclassed by the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs remained the dominant land-dwelling animals until they died out at the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago.
Q.� Where does the word fossil come from
A.� From the Latin word 'fossilis', which means 'dug up'.
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by Lisa Cardy