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foo lang?

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THECORBYLOON | 00:49 Fri 01st Apr 2005 | Site Suggestions
3 Answers
I e-mailed the AB Ed on the "Contact Us" page the other day.How long does it take to get a reply from him/her/them?


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Ower lang, Ah doot! Mind you, it has to be said that we've just had the Easter long weekend, so I imagine the Ed has had plenty of catching up to do since Tuesday. Patience, ma loon! Patience!
When I have contacted them, I have always had a very fast response and they have sorted my problems in no time at all. Mine was a techie problem though so maybe different people deal with different things.
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QM, it's been as lang, I canna mind fit it wis aboot ........

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foo lang?

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