Why thank u! Mines has been me or pablo but i thought i better get a tinky one on!! I like crafts.... And i always wonder if lottie looks like hers hahahaha actually ive said before that i imagine her to be so glam!
I like buenchicos too- are you an animal chris? Lol!!! X
(tinkerbell, theres a picture on ebay at the min, it pops up on the left of my screen on there, i dont know if youve seen it?
its of a pretty young girl with long blonde hair, smilling/laughing with her arm held up in the air, as though she's just won a bidding item.
well, every time i see her, she always reminds me of you, for some reason! lol, especially after you told us you were addicted to ebay shopping! have you seen it?)
Hahaha looby! No i just logged in and cant see but
Im on often enough so ill keep looking hahaha!! Actually, im thinking of growing my hair again maby its a sign lol its still long to some
People but i want long loose curls :0) i know i have been told
Off on here for the "wag look" lol x
is that the woman you were telling us about the other night, with the dress, tink?
sally, mrs chappie posted up a funny youtube video, on a thread earlier on, of a parrot swearing LOL,
it was funny, but a bit naughty, and she felt awful about posting it up .. so she requested to be banned, so the post would go.
(but, couldnt the Ed have just got rid of that particular post though?)