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sophie_1003 | 08:22 Wed 26th Oct 2011 | Site Suggestions
67 Answers
On the home page of AB under the heading 'New to Answerbank' it says "How to post a queston" instead of question.


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That was me testing something...

I could make it so that whenever someone wrote sophie_1003 it would link to her profile or something.

Lets see what Sophie asks for.
Sophie... change 'cake' to something horrible....
yeah Sophie, please change LOL as ummm suggested, to something equally as annoying but not as ubiquitous, something like 'guffaw' or 'teeheehee'.
I still don't know what's so wrong with haha that we had to find an alternative!
could be


(i mean, she is getting kinda larey)
Change 'lol' to 'it wasn't really that funny' :-)
Please change 'yer' to 'yes', 'yeah' or 'yep'... I have no idea why this irritates me so much but for some reason it really does!
with you and yea
LOL could be "Chortlesplutter"?
'oops, quick i need a tena'
Change 'cake' to 'moist'.
B00 will have a fit ;)
I could do a snobbery update

cos => because
woz => was

More please.
Maybe that could be "lmfao"
gigglespurt sounds a bit rude to me...
Wot did to me as well China...haha
*im blushing*

its a bit, isn't it
I just seen daffy's response, the evil in me thinks that's a bloody good idea! Can we not just do that anyway? Pleeeeeeeaaaaseeeee Mr Ed?
oh yes

but please don;t change anything to jelly or make it wobble

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