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secret ABers...who are your mates!

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joko | 20:44 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
what would you do if you went round to a mate or neighbours house and noticed they were logged into AB under the name of someone on here...?

perhaps someone you rowed a lot with and didnt like...?

or someone who trolls a lot?

or someone with generally offensive views?

would you let on who you were?



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Probably not.
Probably not, but I might give it away by mistake knowing me.
(I do check the logs at work occasionally just to see if anyone at work accesses AB though:))
I would imagine this happens a lot Joko.
Nno, joko, I saw your real identity, but kept quiet about it.

By the way, are you well tonight, your Royal Highness?
What's a "mate"? Don't think I have any of those :-(
Hiya Mate.x
'ow do TWR xxx
Hiya Boo, u ok? getting on with life as you do.
No! I would be gutted.. I like keeping this wee gem to myself :) lol
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it would be funny if they had invented a totally ficticious persona on here - be so hard not to call their bluff for a laugh, haha
Just a thought-but did this 'person' know you saw what they were on? If so you've posibly given yourself away anyway, with this post.
What's a "mate"? Don't think I have any of those :-(

^^^ OI! ;oP
I don't think they'd me a mate if they were the type you'd row with on here; but there is every chance that some of us have or will come across each other in real life at some stage. 6 degrees of seperation and all that? Less for some of us.
I'd be so thrilled to make a connection with another ABer that I would let on.
I wouldnt let on...well not to begin with
I never go to other people's houses...........
"I never go to other people's houses........... "

I'm not allowed in other people's houses :-(

CD, sorry I forgot you, how could I eh? LOL. Love ya! xxxx
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this hasnt happened to me, it was just a thought
rightmove is the next best thing to going into someones house

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