Fruit and veg quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Fruit and veg quiz

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Kunitachi | 19:50 Thu 29th Mar 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Last three q's for a quiz where all the answers are Fruit and Vegetables, any help appreciated...

1. We'll give you a tip - there's a vessel inside (8)
2. Nick or Logan's father (10)
3. A Continental Inn within (9)

Thanks in advance.


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3 AubergINe
2 Blackberry
can't see the wordplay, but asparagus looks possible for 1.
that's what I thought too Bigjack, but asparagus is nine letters not eight ????
That's why it wouldn't work!
Having done a search, quinie offered a very good answer, which was
T-URN-IP and of course that is six letters, and as it fits the clue so well, there is always the possibility the number of letters given is incorrect.
That would seem to be it, its a perfect parse!
I think so too Shoota, well done quinie, I think you are correct.
Question Author
Thanks all, turnip is good but if right, and number of letters wrong, why the need for "we'll give you.." part of the clue? That wouldn't be needed.
2 Elderberry
We'll give you a TIP = TIP
A vessel inside = URN

put together = TURNIP

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