ok so it just lost internet and then this page opened called 'smart repair, smard hdd, hard drive diagnostics' partner clicked start, I paniced and went over it was too late the desktop items disappeared and it shows all the fake graphics showing we have a hard disk failure.
we managed to open microsoft essentials off the bottom corner and started that it found something straight away and removed it or quarantined it. It said restart for the item to be fully cleaned with microsoft essentials so we did that. When we powered back up the desktop was still gone and the graphics still there so we did the same again it showed two torjans so we removed them and powered down again. Powered up again this time it has the graphics super imposed over are microsoft essentials page so we are stuggling to see but we are trying again to scan and clean.
Any help so be extremely grateful as this is an office work pc with lots of records we need thanks.