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Thankyou Craft 1948

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Jeza | 23:05 Fri 04th May 2012 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Mic told me this morning what you did last night. I would have thanked you sooner. We have been at the hospital most of the day getting Mic his treatment. He is now in bed feeling a bit yuk. Hopefully he will be back on here tomorrow. Once again thanks.


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jeza, the two of you are in our thoughts. Give the old boy a quick kick......
Hi Jeza - please wish him well from Ena x
You are very welcome Jeza.......give him a kiss from me :-)
I didn't know that Micmak was poorly, hope he's feeling better soon (I don't normally post on posts about poorly people but have a soft spot for MM).
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There are some very good people on here. I will give him your messages.

DT Why would I kick him, or is that a joke between the two of you?
Give him my love, hope he feels better soon x
just give him a prod, jeza, he merits it; just an expression that we are thinking of him here on AB!
Ah whats wrong with Micmak, Jeza? Hope he will soon recover, give him our best regards x
Hope he gets better soon. We need his wit back on the site.
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I cannot say what's wrong with Mic, it is up to him to tell you, not me. I am a newbie on here. If Mic wants to tell you he will.
Hi Jeza, please add on my good wishes too ♥♥♥
Personally, I don't need details - I am very squeamish, just hope he is better soon and that you are ok too.
Love and best wishes to mic.
I hope he feels better in the morning; I look forward to seeing MM up and about again tomorrow. Love to your too Jeza, you look after him well.
Hope Micmak is better soon, Jeza. You take care of yourself too. Cupid04.xx
Hope to-morrow is a better day for you both, good wishes to micmac x
Love your Av Jeza!!!!! And a hug to MM from me please. X
Get well soon to MM from Me and Redman too...
Get well soon MM, give him a hug for me Jeza♥ Hope to see him back on AB soon.
Awww, hes poorly?

Give him my best Jeza please, and if I dont see (?) him before then tell him ill look out for Yoda on Monday for him :-)

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