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Is your answer still there? No? Then this post is for you. (Featuring Confucius).
1. Some users come here with weird questions, please accept that this is the case. Confucius say: "Not everyone weird is an owl."
2. Confucius say: "Just because you think it is an owl, doesn't mean it is." The user in question in the thread above doesn't appear to be a troll.
3. If you do think a user is an owl, please REPORT THE QUESTION. Please DO NOT REPLY TO THE QUESTION. Confucius say "Don't feed the trolls. Or Owls."
4. Confucius say: "You're not funny and it seems hostile to new users. So stop it!" Would you have hung around if your first question had been spammed by a bunch of regulars making in-jokes about owls?