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Is AB "For UK Citizens Only" ?

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Answerprancer | 00:38 Wed 01st Aug 2012 | Site Suggestions
20 Answers
I have seen quite a few posts from people who are clearly from other nations, particularly America and responses often give the impression that this is a UK only "club". I think this is a shame.
My suggestion is that we be a bit less excluding and try to be more inclusive.


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The odd occasion I have seen it pointed out is when the poster is asking something that may be relevant to their country. Sometimes legal or regulations to social care etc. We do have overseas posters on here on a regular basis.
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Ahh...ok (beep!)
Trouble is that they ask questions which require us to have knowledge of American law or other American subjects. It's difficult for us to say much of use. Americans who ask about, or comment upon, subjects of universal interest are always welcomed.
I think AB will let anyone fact I am sure of it....
The problem is completely wrong answers can be given, especially in the more 'serious' categories like business or law if you either don't know where the questioner is from, or don't understand that things may be different there.

So it's not excluding them because we 'disapprove' of them but because we cannot give reliable help
Only a problem if they ask some thing like Parking Regulations in Indianapolis or recommended health insurance companies in New York , both have been asked recently.
We have many overseas members and they are very welcome.
Question Author
I'm sure it will Dotty, but are its 'residents' naturally welcoming?
There is an element of "we don't take kindly to strangers in these 'ere parts" IMO! Like when a 'townie' enters a pub in a rural area. (Cue the scene from The Slaughtered Lamb in An American Werewolf In London")
I think we are largely welcoming
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From the answers so far, I've gathered that AB really should be called "UK Answerbank" ...yes?
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(to save confusion)
wasn't confused until your last 2 posts, I am confused now, must be all this energy I am using watching the repeats of the repeats of repeated Olympic highlights......
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Come on Dotty, a woman of your calibre ! It can't be that confusing. Put down that Daily Mail and get with it !
Nobody seems to have pointed out that one of the most knowledgeable people answering questions on here (rather than asking them) isn't in the UK. I refer to our resident US airline pilot, Clanad, who answers questions on everything from cookery and gardening to physics and history.
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It must be even more irritating for him when the 'UK Only' club does its thing.
Never Clanad is cool
In my view, this is one of the least cliquey forum I've come across. Usually responders are most obliging to folk from across the pond and elsewhere.

But don't forget the URL does end

Of course you get the usual run of xenophobes, especially in News category, but don't tar the rest with that brush.
It is for everyone as far as I am aware, but non UK contributors with questions should be aware it is a UK based site and so knowledge available and slant of things would have a UK viewpoint.

I don't think there is anything that needs to change in that area.
I haven't seen anyone giving that impression. I'm aware that we have posters from many other countries, Australia and the US included. As mamya says on the odd occasion, due to the nature of the question, I've seen people querying the poster's whereabouts, which is fair enough, but nothing more than that.
Like others I've only seen non-UK users told that this isn't the best place for questions about US law. Otherwise we're fairly welcoming I reckon.
it sometimes seems (from the time that they appear) that some of the more heartbreaking threads about the traumas of teenage love are posted from the US. Occasionally these get a less sympathetic response than they might, but it's probably because people suspect they're from the usual trolls.

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Is AB "For UK Citizens Only" ?

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