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So Fed Up

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phleb | 22:04 Sat 25th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Why do the last 5 weeks drag. I am so fed up, its unexplainable. I have this really numb horrible back pain, had it all day, yesterday I had headache all day. Baby is fine, moving like a mad child. I am getting so impatient, and want it born now, its too long to wait. When is it safe for the baby to arrive? raspberry leaf tea has come up a few times. but why do they drink it?

My tummy/legs everything is itchy. I crave cold icy food. I can't sit comfortably. I need to wee every half an hour. FED UP!


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Just let nature takes it's course. You're bound to be fed up but it goes with the territory. x
don't be taking any raspberry tea at 35 weeks. I know you are miserable, but the baby im sure is quite happy.
I don't blame you, phleb. It seems to last forever at the time. Were your other two early or late?
Just be grateful you have a healthy baby in there.

Seriously, some people are less fortunate. Stop moaning.

Oh phleb, I feel for you. Get your headache checked out, that is something you could do without. Do not suffer without getting medical advice.
Patients and patience comes to mind. Don't wish for the birth to be too early. As my daughter said when her baby arrived 8 weeks early at 4 1/2 pounds, she wasn't cooked properly!
What does raspberry tea do ?.
Someone told me, when I was pregnant, that Rasperry tea was supposed to 'bring on' labour.
However, my midwife told me it wasn't advised, so I don't really understand why anyone would do it.

I get the whole "frustrated" thing, but baby will come out when it's ready.
Enjoy the peace and quiet, put your feet up :-)
Did you report the itching again after your last post?
But you have a beautiful baby to look forward to! I know its uncomfortable, but you will forget once the baby arrives - I wish I could have the last 30 years over again.
Could be worse, could be twins!
I'd cherish the last 5 weeks, it'll be the last time you only have yourself to yourself.
it's odd how we all want what we haven't got.
Good luck with your lovely baby. Try and rest as much as you can as once baby arrives you will wish for some me time.

I'm desperate for my first Great Grandchild to arrive. Its Mummy is in the last stages of working full time and desperate to rest up.

Once babies arrive you will be so thankful and happy to see it.

Do you know what your having?
My son was born at 33 weeks by C section. Placenta pre via. He was the skinniest baby you ever saw. It took him years to catch up to the other kids his age. I understand your impatience but you should hope for the 40 weeks.
How twitchy was he Jeza? (Did Mic get home ok?)
Sher, Twitchy I don't understand.

Mic on the other hand is home, though not without problems with getting him here. I could go in to detail but won't as you'll be bored to death.
It's a shame you are in so much discomfort. Sounds horrible, you poor thing. Hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you.

Soon all these aches and pains will (thankfully) be a distant memory.
Sorry Jeza, meant how titchy. Good to hear Mic is home, I suppose you will both just have to go with the flow until you get settled into a routine. Good luck with it all, x
Sher, he was 4 pound 1 ounce. He caught up when he was about 18. We were really worried about his height until then. At 20 he was 6'2".
I was just getting to the impatient stage with my second when I went into labour at 35 weeks (unstable cervix due to earlier operation) she was 5ibs just and had no eyebrows , lashes or fingernails, she soon caught up.

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