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liquoricemad | 17:41 Fri 26th Aug 2005 | Site Suggestions
41 Answers

I was wondering if you could add another category - Remember This? or similar. I was looking to ask a question about a character in a 1960's comic, but the only suitable category seemed to be Quizzes and Puzzles. This category could be used for, say, asking about types of sweets that are no longer made, school traditions, "do you remember.." types of questions.  Just a thought.  Great site, btw!

Sandra Rowland




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Don't mention it, Cetti.

You must have been posh, to have mittens. I had socks for gloves (not kidding!) Also my hot water bottle was a glass pop bottle - until one night I got into bed and it had smashed! I reckon Shaneystar is posh as well, having a flush hurricane lamp!

Hi liquoricemad,

Thank you for the suggestion, will pass it over to the men in shirts.


Oh well done Sandra you've been heard!

Thanks Ed but we might be better off if you pass it to the creaky men in shirts, braces & flat caps!

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Thanks Ed! Can't wait to see the New Category!

Ooh! I've gone all exhausted! Have to go and have a lie down now!

"all our yesterdays" deep sigh.

Now now netti, no need to get all weepy and all. Yesterdays become tomorrows soon enough....

Now I'm getting all melancholic!


Oh Goody.. we'll all be able to sherbert dabs and penny chews soon. I must root out my liberty bodice for this great occasion.Don't forget to bring your socks
Grey knee socks, black lace-up shoes, much the same as I wear today, 50 yrs later.(not to mention the bloomers)
Um- excuse me AB ed but don't you mean "Tomorrows become yesterdays soon enough"????
I think the ed's verging on alcoholic dealing with us lot never mind melancholic.
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I've ironed my socks ready for the big occasion, Shaneystar! I've even brought my Crimplene Cardigan out of mothballs, and my slacks with the stirrups under them are all freshly lacquered. Are we going to have a party to celebrate? Bags I bring the Creamola Foam!
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I think it's plain old colic, Robinia. What was that liquorice (ooh I love liquorice) flavoured medicine? Gripe Water was it? That should fix Ed's windy pops.

Believe me girls, I am on the verge.


Ed would that be a grass verge???
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Netibiza, you've hit on my favourite subject! What's happened to all the grass verges? They're not like they used to be, that's for sure. Ah, I remember how grass verges were... nothing like nowadays. You can't walk along them at all nowadays! All overgrown and rubbishy!

Yes, Liquoricemad, you have a winner here. Everybody,but everybody, has memories, and can therefore contribute, one way or t'other.  Count me in: I'm on your side.
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Thanks Scylax, hope the men in shirts put the new category up soon - before I forget what I'm trying to remember!  (Not that I'm putting any pressure on Big Ed, of course). Now, what was I doing? Oh, yes, looking for my zimmer frame.
 If this one gets up & running we'll be coming to you for the other things that we've suggested but didn't happen liquoricemad /Sandra! You may have some secret influence....
Question Author
No secret influence here, I'm afraid, Robinia -we can but hope - it ain't over till the fat lady sings! Fat lady -2 fat ladies - 88 - oh that reminds me I must polish my bingo cards!


I like it, liquoricemad I think it would really take off us old'uns,  have lots of memories  in fact it's all memories now

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