How are Kat & Alfie in such a financial mess? I though Mo was the Tenant of the house and is on benefits. Surely some or all of her rent would be paid.
Alfie mumbled something about thinking Mo had sorted it out so why hasn't he gone back to her and asked her what's going on? She is living there (although we don't see her much) as Kat said she was looking after the kids yesterday and there have been other mentions of her, tho none as regards to the unpaid rent.
When Kat said she couldn't work on the stall and claim maternity benefit why doesn't Alfie run the stall? Is he going to set fire to the house to claim insurance - although if its rented they wouldn't get much would they? And will the kids be inside?
Agree Sherrard about the contents insurance. Still can't believe Mo is doing nothing while Alfie is taking the brunt of it all. If they loose the house she will be homeless too.
Maybe she's hoping Fat Elvis will take her in? LOL!