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Been Away... Catch Up Please

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rowanwitch | 07:25 Sat 18th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
No I haven't been ill or in prison... just Red and I have been out and about most of the summer
what has been happening any gossip please

This is so I don't inadvertently hijack someone's thread


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The usual fights, some have left but have come back.....same old same old....I won't name names as it is "against Site Rules."

Fights between the same "gangs."

Nice to see you back and give my regards to red.
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At least you survive Sqad... regards will be given as I just heard the little red one stirring
I got another badge.
some of the threads in your absence my sweetest one are so banal and predictable

that I implore you to hi-jack them !

Sqad has been giving his views and getting a good kicking from the usual girlie squad - talk about pulling pig-tails in the school-yard

OK we believe you so what was it really like in the girls' slammer ?
has your mum sewn it on your jumper yet Svejk?

There has been many, many more sequels and unbelievably it has gone as far as it can possibly go yet!
We all got terribly aerated about the Jocks wanting to sail away from the UK but in the end, it didn't come about. Usual political argy-bargy !
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I think the scots got it wrong... they should have asked the English to vote on letting them stay
well what's happened here, not much - Talbot has been let back in by some unsuspecting new Ed. There's a female Ed aboard, rowan, goes by Ed-Auntie.

Plenty of haranguing over Finnigan and Judy, the usual barneys, not that many suspensions. naomi hasn't joined the Church of England and Pope Francis hasn't signed on as an ABer - yet.

Good to see you back.

rowan so nice to see you, how is Red doing ?
And DT's poetry is still a million miles behind yours, Rowan.
How can it be, Talbot, I refuse to write it with some of the cretins on here.....
You say cretins, I say critics. Calm down dear!
same thing isn't it? Anyway time to be moving.....

I guess rowan and redman are still imbibing their beers from time to time. Are we going to see the beer thread back again?
Rowan`s back ; nice to see
her join in again on old AB
not much has changed; still the same
one up manship, name of the game
still it can be quite good fun
to see some threads as they run and run
for life is one big melting pot
we are indeed a funny lot
but life is good as it can be
here in our lovely land AB
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Cheers dears.
Will be going to a few beer festivals so will post a list of recommendations for the beer nuts.
Glad to see nothing has changed its like coming home and putting on a pair of tatty slippers... you know you should replace them but they are so comfy
Welcome back to the back stabbing mad house Rowan.
Morning Rowan, nice to see you :-)

I think Sqad and TWR are being a bit dramatic. Not much has happened...
Good to see you, Rowan, love to yourself and Red.

You've missed nothing exciting. Well, you may have but I'm really bad for noticing stuff round here.


i doubt much has ' changed ' since last week !!

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