deleting search 'evidence' in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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deleting search 'evidence'

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sarahbowen82 | 14:36 Fri 04th Nov 2005 | How it Works
7 Answers
Hi, can anyone tell me how to delete the chain of evidence left when you are using your search facility on your computer ( i. if you put in 'e' it guesses i want to search for engineering companies).
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I run Firefox rather than Internet Explorer, it gives you far more facilities, it's faster and you don't get plagued by viruses as much.

With firefox you click internet options and click "clear all" thats it,the jobs done.
place your mouse over the offending words it brings up and when it turns grey place your delete button, if there are a lot then just click on the search bar and when the list comes up of things u have searched again place the mouse over the first word until grey and press delete, then the next word should turn grey so u can press delete again, and again, and again until u get to p for porn and then u can really hit that delete button a few hundred times hey haha
See [url=http://www.googletutor.com/2005/04/11/clear-search-histo ry/]THIS LINK[/url] for a simple tutorial for removing search history for IE and FF.
Well, that didn�t work.
Try this link for history removal and prevention for IE and FF.
[url=http://www.googletutor.com/2005/04/11/clear-search-histo ry/]CLICK HERE[/url]
That hasn't worked either, so instead of a clicky, here's the full url:
Well, that didn�t work.
Try this link for history removal and prevention for IE and FF.
http://www.googletutor.com/2005/04/11/clear-search-histo ry/

right click internet explorer icon. choose properties. look towards bottom right hand corner for a button wot says clear history. press it.

by far the easiest way

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